
Fairview and Springwater Coal Seam Gas water feasibility study for irrigated plantation and cropping re-use

Fairview and Springwater Coal Seam Gas water feasibility study for irrigated plantation and cropping re-use


  • Client: Confidential Client
  • Scope:

    Feasibility study for 2,000 ha irrigated plantation and fodder crop development including:

    • Soil surveying and profile analysis Soil physical and chemical analysis
    • Soil impact and leaching fraction modelling including SALF, Rhodes
    • Land capability assessment
    • Water quality analysis
    • Specification of water treatment requirements for chemical amendment to a standard suitable for sustainable irrigation
    • Species evaluation, site-species matching and species selection
    • Leaching requirement (Rhodes equation) modelling
    • Plant water use and irrigation scheduling modelling including MEDLI, WatLoad, WatSked
    • Risk analysis and design of risk mitigation practices
    • Liaison with regulatory authorities
  • Challenge:

    The client required a practical, cost-effective and environmentally sustainable option to manage large volumes of saline-sodic coal seam gas (CSG) water (in excess of 10ML/day).

  • Solution:

    Through an in-depth understating of the underlying science, Verterra developed and implemented a novel approach to sustainably managing saline-sodic CSG water. This project implemented the first large-scale beneficial use of CSG water in Australia. Verterra’s approach provided a paradigm shift in options to manage this problematic water. The project provided Santos with a beneficial use option for CSG water at substantially lower CAPEX and OPEX than the baseline alternative. 

  • Benefit to Client:

    Verterra applied its broad knowledge, combination of analytical and practical skills, and systems approach to problem solving to develop an integrated approach to the beneficial use of coal seam gas water via irrigated forest and fodder plantations. This approach was approved by DERM though the first beneficial use licence for large scale irrigated use of coal seam gas water in Queensland, and has underpinned the development of over 1,200 ha of irrigated forest plantation and over 300 ha of irrigated fodder crops. The project provided the client with “green infrastructure” to manage CSG water at substantially lower CAPEX and OPEX than the base case alternative.

  • Market Sector: Oil and Gas
  • Capabilities:
    • Irrigated forest & fodder crops for beneficial use of waste water
    • Soil surveying and land capability assessment
    • Risk management and planning
  • Location: Queensland
  • Year: 2007 - 2008