• bioenergy1
  • technical research services
  • green infrastructure
  • genetics
  • uav banner2
  • project management services
  • ecology1
  • renewable resources
  • reveg land rehab

Nature-based solutions for a growing world

Verterra is a leader in ecological engineering theory and practice. Verterra delivers land, water and vegetation management solutions, turning risk into value for organisations seeking positive economic, environmental and community outcomes. We apply scientific knowledge of ecosystems, Nature Based Solutions (NBS) and practical experience in partnership with our clients.

  • wastewater
  • nutrient recycling
  • carbon climate change
  • natural resource landscape management
  • agricultural productivity
  • infrastructure
  • land restoration mine site rehabilitation
  • contaminated site rehabilitation

Turning Risk into Value

At Verterra we believe our future lies in a balance between minimising waste and efficient, innovative utilisation of our resources to develop enduring solutions that turn today’s risk into tomorrow’s value. To achieve this, we bring a combination of leading edge science with practical management experience and rational economics to develop tailored solutions to environmental and resource problems. Our solutions take a triple bottom line approach, aiming to deliver environmental benefits and positive community outcomes together with sound financial returns.

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Our value proposition

Our Value Proposition is to provide tailored, cost efficient and environmentally beneficial plantation, crop and native forest management services that bring the latest developments in science, technology and management practices to:

Our approach

We approach all projects from a thorough understanding of the objectives of the client and the physical, biological and social constraints of the system in which our clients operate. We then seek to identify solutions that address the underlying attributes of the problem based on sound science underpinned by practical experience. This ‘attributes’ based approach encourages innovation, and ensures that the proposed solutions are reliable, predictable and optimised to meet client requirements at minimum cost.

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Our values

Our values infuse our culture and are tightly linked to our sustainable competitive advantage. Our values form the image we project to our clients, and create their perception of us and our services. In short, our values are the features of the product we sell to our clients. Above all, we value integrity, punctuality, accountability, trust, innovation.

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Innovation is the heart of Verterra’s business model of bringing leading edge technologies, services and practices to benefit our clients.

Innovation at Verterra spans the value chain from the processes underpinning our business, through our relentless search for new technologies, products and services that can assist our clients to turn risk into value.

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