Beneficial Use of Coal Seam Gas Water for Irrigated Forest Plantations

Service: 1250 ha of irrigation for native eucalypt forest as a beneficial reuse of saline-sodic coal seam gas (CSG) water.  

Client: Santos Energy Company

Location: Injune region, Qld

Start: 2008

Completion: 2010

Saline-sodic water is a common by-product of Coal Seam Gas production, considered a waste in Queensland and must be managed in accordance with environmental regulations. 

Santos required a practical, cost-effective, and environmentally sustainable option to manage large volumes of saline-sodic coal seam gas (CSG) water (in excess of 10ML/day) at Fairview and Springwater near Injune.  

The project included design, feasability studies, implementation, analysis, and interpretation of a large-scale water quality monitoring program that included a network of over 100 permanent soil moisture sensors, continuously logged groundwater bores, installation of surface water flumes and associated flow monitoring and a program of grab sampling and analysis.  

Overall project management included:  

  • Development of a project charter and project procedures.  

  • Establishment of a project governance and management structure.  

  • Project scheduling, coordination, and milestone control.  

  • Resource management.  

This project implemented the first large-scale beneficial use of CSG water in Australia, providing a paradigm shift in options to manage water, and giving Santos a beneficial use option for CSG water at substantially lower CAPEX and OPEX than the baseline alternative. 


Major Integrated Project: “Wet Tropics People – Setting the Course for the Reef.”