Cape York Timbers Harvest Resource Assessment

Service delivery: Code compliant Harvest Plan for Lama Lama plantation, for a more in-depth understanding of Cape York’s forestry resources.

Client: Cape York Timbers

Location: Running Creek (Lama Lama Land Trust Property), Far North Queensland 

Start: 2018

Completion: 2018

Running Creek is a property owned by the Lama Lama Land Trust, with forestry harvests managed by Cape York Timbers.

Verterra delivered a Code compliant Harvest Plan for Running Creek with a highly visual, easily interpretable map that would assist Cape York Timbers staff with the management of their property.

Verterra identified areas with commercial potential and presented a draft harvest yield map showing primary haul load location, exclusion zones and buffers, and colour coded productivity classes.

The project comprised:

  • Reviewing all existing desktop and field studies for the Lama Lama Running Creek property (Assessing the reliability of data, determining work required). 

  • Additional desktop studies: satellite image analysis and other natural resource data gathering to identify areas with commercial potential. 

  • Field studies of areas deemed as having high potential for commercial use. 

  • Preparation of a code compliant harvest management plan that provides future resource direction and a detailed layout plan of yields, roads, crossings and general ramp locations, and exclusion zones for the next 3-5 years. 


Lower Burdekin Groundwater Mitigation Strategy


Lama Lama Land Trust Forest Management Evaluation