Harvest Resource Assessment
CYT engaged Verterra to prepare a Harvest Plan for Running Creek, a property owned by the Lama Lama Land Trust. The resource assessment was completed on Running Creek area (Coupe 6). Verterra delivered a Code compliant Harvest Plan with a highly visual, easily interpretable map that would assist CYT staff with the management of their property.
Cape York Timbers (CYT) were seeking to develop a more in-depth understanding of Cape York’s forestry resources.
CYT proposed initial resource and silvicultural studies on Indigenous land within a feasible distance of the Cape York Timbers Cooktown mill, with the objective that assessment work would yield immediate commercial value.
Verterra identified areas with commercial potential and presented a draft harvest yield map showing primary haul load location, exclusion zones and buffers, and colour coded productivity classes.
All future harvest units were visited to capture data points per unit. Yield data was analysed, productivity classes adjusted, and Class 1-3 yield rates (m3/ha) assigned. Harvest yields were estimated for each management unit (Harvest volume -m3 x species).