Major Integrated Project: “Landholders Driving Change”

Service: Agricultural consulting to stem erosion in the Burkedin region

Client: North Queensland Dry Tropics Pty Ltd (NQ Dry Tropics)

Location: Burdekin, North Queensland

Start: 2017

Completion: 2020

Bowen, Burkedin region.

This project actively engaged graziers and landowners in the Bowen, Bogie, and Broken River Catchments to contribute to design land condition, pasture cover and productivity solutions to stem erosion and subsequent sediment run-off into local waterways.

Phase 1 (Design) involved collaborative workshops which fed into development of the project.

Verterra contributed as part of the workshops phase and subsequently delivered major gully rehabilitation projects near Collinsville.

Verterra offered the project our strengths in agricultural extension; beneficial use of biosolids management for agriculture; soil science, soil capability and landscape risk analysis and carbon management. 


Mt Wickham Gully Rehabilitation


Burnett-Mary Horticulture 1-on-1 Delivering Tailored Solutions