Verterra Projects.

Discover our demonstrated experience.

Agriculture Anna Delaney Agriculture Anna Delaney

Reef Water Quality in Agriculture Developments

Objectives of this project include delivery of a South Yaamba Reef Water Quality Precinct Plan to provide support to the South Yaamba area and to selected landholders in the broader Fitzroy Food Bowl who are progressing irrigation developments on their land to achieve reef water quality outcomes (reduce sediment, pesticide, and nutrient export).

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Agriculture Anna Delaney Agriculture Anna Delaney

Landholder Engagement Agribusiness

As part of the Rookwood Weir water release tendering process, Verterra worked closely with 10 landholders to prepare Agriculture Development plans and Business plans to assist landholders evaluate their development options and enable them to bid for new water allocations.

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Agriculture Anna Delaney Agriculture Anna Delaney

Rookwood Weir Crop Suitability and Water Demand

Synergies Economic Consulting was engaged by Sunwater to provide advice on the economics of crop options for the proposed new irrigation development at Rookwood Weir. Verterra was requested to support Synergies by providing agronomic advice on crop suitability for the range of soils within thin Rookwood Weir irrigation zone, the range in expected crop productivities, and projected crop water demand.

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